05-08 September 2024
05-08 Sept 2024

Create Contemporary—

Create Contemporary is an immersive workshop and creative space for visitors of all ages to unleash creative visual thinking through the power of mark-making.

Squiggla Making Space presented by Eckersley's Art & Craft

Play + Make + Imagine + Invent 

Join an immersive space for visual exploration through hands-on creative mark making at Sydney Contemporary. The Squiggla Making Space Presented By Eckersley’s Art & Craft is the place for all to explore the fundamental elements of mark making – dots, lines and marks in all their infinite possibilities. Love your materials as you use a wide range of tools from Eckersley’s Art & Craft, including pencils, charcoal, pens, markers, a range of paper surfaces and more.

The Squiggla Making Space encourages us to activate our creative visual thinking through tactile, visual and spatial experiences using our eyes, mind, hearts, hands and mark making tools. Families will experience joyful making time together and curious adults will become more alert to looking as they rediscover creativity for a fulfilled life.

The Squiggla Making Space Presented by Eckersley’s Art & Craft will open at Sydney Contemporary during Fair hours. 

Discover More at eckersleys.com.au and squiggla.org

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